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December 29, 2008

Organic Health Food

The interest in organic health food in modern society grows along with the strong emphasis on “going green”, the awareness of the dangers of pollution as well as the importance of preserving the earth. There are guidelines set for farmers and ranchers to have their products considered as organic health food. Thus, it is essential for them to understand the procedure of product labeling in order to understand what organic health food really is.

What will be Considered Organic Health Food?

The drive in increasing productivity has caused many farmers and ranchers choose the route of hormones, pesticides and other chemicals to have their cows grow bigger and their crop production grows larger. Luckily, there are still some individuals who prefer living off their land by using the traditional means instead of using the modern technology of farming and ranching. The foods produced by these traditional measures are considered as organic health food.

The obvious differences between the traditional technology and the modern one in farming and ranching are found in the process used to grow the crops and raise the cattle. In organic health food, you won’t find any pesticides used for ranching antibiotics and hormones to speed up growth. Instead, the farmers use other friendly methods, including ways to keep from polluting water sources as well as keeping the crops from being exposed to chemicals.

In growing organic health food, the farmers use natural fertilizers like manure in order to make their crops healthy. This way not only benefits the crops but also prevents the soil and water from becoming contaminated with chemicals from fertilizers and pesticides. What’s more, the farmers may also incorporate the use of natural pesticides, like using insects or birds to control the pest problem, or hand tilling as well as manually pulling weeds instead of using chemical weed control. Meanwhile, ranchers only use natural organic foods for their livestock that is allowed to graze in a more natural environment instead of being penned up.

To be labeled organic, organic health food should get the label of such from the FDA and needs to meet the stringent criteria of the Food and Drug Administration. They should perform such things in order to have the consumers ensured that the marked foods are truly organic as what they are advertised. With more and more farmers succeed to meet the consumer’s demand for organic products, now it’s time for us to enter the era of organic health food!

December 20, 2008


Vitamins (or VItal AMINes) are, as the name suggests, vital for good health. The primary source of vitamins is from our dieat, however due to the excessive processing of modern foods, which destroys or renders inactive many vitamins, plus the chronic problem of depleted soils, many people today are deficient on one or more vitamins, and many modern diseases can be either worsened, or even caused by vitamin deficiencies.

With the exception of Vitamin D, which is manufactured in response to sunlight, the vitamins are an essential part of the diet and play vitally important roles in controlling organ and body funtion.

Vitamin A ( Beta-carotene)

The B-Vitamins
Vitamin B1 (Thiamine)
Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin)
Vitamin B3 (Niacin)
Vitamin B5 (Pantothenic Acid)
Vitamin B6 (Pyridoxine)
Vitamin B12 (Cyanocobalamin)
Folic Acid

Vitamin C (Ascorbic Acid)

Vitamin D (Calciferol)

Vitamin E (Tocopherol)

Vitamin K (Phylloquinone)

December 09, 2008

Hepatitis B

Hepatitis b is really contagious, especially if your children has no anti-hepa b vaccine. For adults, you can easily get Hepa b through sexual intercourse with an affected person.

If you think that you don't have any symptoms of hepa b, try to have a blood check. Try to undergo a hepatitis profile and if you are negative with HbsAg, Then you still have a chance to have have a shot of anti-hepa b vaccine.(3 shots)

Now if one of your family has hepa b and you want to prevent yourself and the rest of your family from getting it, then you have to follow these:

try to separate spoons, forks, drinking glass and plates of the affected person from the rest of your dinner stuffs. Because the virus is just in the body fluids of the affected person. It can be in the saliva, tears, blood, semen, and sweat of the a hepa b positive person. But if the patient recovers from it. everything goes back to normal.

Now, there is no cure for hepa b or let me say there is no medicine that is meant to cure it. because it is caused by a virus and not a bacteria or fungus. Just like chicken pox. The medicine that is generally given are just vitamins (jetefar, essentiale) for liver. that's why It is usually symptomatic way to help the affected person. For example, if the patient has a headache, They would give him analgesic or if the patient has fever he will be given paracetamol.

In addition in preventing this virus.You should try to avoid eating too much fatty food, too much alcohol intake, because it is not helping the liver at all. Because vaccine can't do anything to an affected person. So better have your children take those anti-hepa shots. It is very important

December 02, 2008


Besides being poorly understood by most, cancer - the "C" word, is perhaps the most feared of all medical diagnoses, not least because the modern medical establishment veils it in mystery and inaccessibility, largely to hide their own ignorance of its causes, prevention and (in most cases) the cure, which has been known at least for decades and probably for over a century.

It is this fear of the unknown, combined with the misplaced reverence given to cancer Doctors that leads many unwittingly to their deaths, usually at the hands of the very "treatments" they have received, rather than the cancer itself. Indeed, oncology is perhaps the only branch of medicine that in any way considers dead patients as "treatment successes", as their many hundreds of thousands of "cured but dead" victims would rightly attest - if only they could.

This curious (and, frankly ridiculous) epithet is given to those who have "successfully" undergone butchery, masquerading as treatment by these so-called "medics", and whose "treatment" has eliminated any detectable trace of cancer cells, usually by eliminating any detectable trace of life itself. The patient is thereby treated as a treatment "success", despite not being there to enjoy it.

This complete absurdity shows just how far modern medicine has strayed from the principles of Hippocrates they claim to follow.

What are cancers?

Oncologists (cancer Doctors) would have you believe that cancers are some myriad collection of loosely-related, locally specific disruptions to cell biology that, therefore require local treatment only.

Nothing could be further from the truth (although truth, as we have seen above, is a somewhat foreign concept in this most ineffective of medical specialities).

In fact, all cancers have the same origins and develop by the same process, for the same reasons. As this might suggest, It is merely a question of which part of the body is affected that decides which of the various cancers result.

Cell damage

Unbeknown to most of us, an immense battle rages continuously inside our bodies, of epic proportions. Every day, millions of cells are born, other millions die and massive numbers are damaged either in the course of their various functions or as a result of external influences. Like all finely-tuned machines, this damage must be repaired if the machine (that is you and me) is to carry on working properly, and various body systems have no other function but to carry out these repairs 24/7, 365 days a year.

Some toxins are more or less organ specific, e.g. alcohol will cause liver damage as the liver tries to remove it from the blood, and smoking predisposes to lung damage as the chemicals in the smoke are directly inhaled. Others, such as environmental toxins, water-born toxins (e.g. fluoride, chlorine, estrogen) and food-based toxins (e.g. sugar, aspartame, food additives) may have more generalised effects, following distribution throughout the body.

Studies show that our bodies (and even those of newborn babies) now contain hundreds of known cancer-causing chemicals, many of which didn't even exist 50 or 100 years ago.

Healthy healing response.

Wherever it happens, damage to cells causes a similar response. Stem cells in the blood join together to form a stem cell trophoblast, covering the injury site and preventing further damage. Further stem cells then begin to change into the appropriate type of cell to replace the damaged ones. Once the damaged cell is repaired or replaced, the trophoblast is dissolved by enzymes from the pancreas, along with various other co-factors, such as Vitamin B17, Vitamin C and Vitamin A, which help digest the trophoblast for excretion.

The failed healing response - cancers

When the body doesn't have the proper nutrients present, it can't make the proper trophoblast, enzymes or other compounds required in the healing process. The result is a poorly formed trophoblast, which keeps growing unchecked because of the lack of pancreatic enzymes and their co-factors (e.g. Vitamin B17).

Simply put, the body lacks the chemical "switch" required to turn off the healing process, and the various cancers are the result.

The role of parasites (and yeasts/fungi) in cancers.

Much discussion surrounds the role that parasites play in the developments of cancers. Our bodies are home to billions of bacteria, most of which help us with digestion etc, but some of which have little or no beneficial function. Normally, these are kept in check by the "good bacteria", but under certain conditions, the "bad guys" thrive, causing more cell damage, and even damaging the trophoblast itself.

Almost ALL cancers (well over 90%) occur in tissues close to storage vessels and ducts. It is the sugar-rich nature of these cells, along with the acidic, oxygen-poor environment caused by a high sugar, high animal-protein diet that provides an ideal breeding ground for yeasts, fungi and parasites. Once they start to grow, they branch out filaments, called mycelia, which grow like roots into the cells, damaging, feeding off of them and leaving behind toxic waste products (mycotoxins) and fermentation products that encourage more parasitic growth.

They even grow into the trophoblast cells, weakening and damaging them, and causing more trophoblast to be formed from the healing stem cells. The normal cells try to divide to fix the problem, but, in doing so, both "daughter cells" become damaged and mutated. This is how cancers turn healthy cells into tumour cells, consuming tissue.

ALL cancer patients have a parasite problem, which is fundamental to the continuation of the growth of their cancers.

There are, of course, other elements to the story, but this is the basic mechanism by which ALL cancers develop, spread and wreak their havoc. However, it should be remembered that very FEW patients with cancers actually die of their cancers, and MOST die of the so-called "treatments" that maim, burn and wreck their immune systems.

The real success story when dealing with cancers is the simple, effective cancer treatment program which was devised almost exactly 100 years ago and remains THE MOST EFFECTIVE way of treating cancers to this day - and it doesn't include the horrible effects of chemo, radio, or butchery.